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Softball (Slow Pitch)

General Information

Competition Date(s)

Saturday, July 27

Registration Entry Fees & Deadlines

Registration Deadline: July 24

  • $350 entry fee

Competition Venue

Skyview Sports Complex (2890 Resnik Dr, Colorado Springs, CO 80916)

Competition Format Details

Additional Notes

Must be 18 years or older to play.

3 Guaranteed Games

2 FREE Softballs per team

55 minute game times


Men’s Upper and Lower

CoEd Upper and Lower

Competition Rules and Format

Competition Format:
World Sports Softball League (WSL) rules, will govern this competition. Teams will be guaranteed a minimum of 3 games, weather permitting. Competition format will either be pool play or tournament play depending on the number of teams registered in each division. After the first round, it will be double elimination.

Dress Code: Steel cleats will not be permitted in any division, no exceptions. 

Note: Rocky Mountain State Games Commissioner reserves the right to cancel, combine or re-assign teams to divisions based on final registrations. Divisions must have a minimum of four teams registered to be scheduled (Men’s Competitive requires a minimum of six teams to be scheduled). Teams who register for the wrong division may be re-assigned or disqualified at the discretion of the RMSG Commissioner to ensure quality tournament

Competition Schedule

Games will begin at 8AM

Hosted By:


Competition Begins:

*The RMSG has a NO REFUND policy.  Click here for details on eligibility, inclement weather, refunds, etc.
