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General Information

Online Registration Closed

Competition Date(s)

Saturday, July 20, 2024

Registration Entry Fees & Deadlines

Registration Deadline: July 19 @ noon

  • First division – $35
  • Additional division – $20
  • Day of event – $45
  • Kata – $45 (per team)
  • Additional Kata – $20 (per pair)

Day of registration will be from 7:30 – 8:30 AM


Competition Venue

Colorado Springs Christian Schools (4845 Mallow Rd, Colorado Springs, CO 80907)

Competition Format Details



Additional Notes

Late registration and weigh in: Saturday, July 20.  Juniors 7:30 am – 8:30am.

Seniors and Masters 11:00am – 12:00pm.


Junior Novice (White and Yellow Belt only)

  • Male and Female
  • Age: 5-6, 7-8, 9-10, 11-12, 13-14, and 15-16
  • Light , Middle, and Heavyweight based on number of entrants

Junior Advanced (Orange Belt and above)

  • Male and Female
  • Age: 5-6, 7-8, 9-10, 11-12, 13-14, and 15-16
  • Light , Middle, and Heavyweight based on number of entrants

Senior Novice (17 years and older, under brown belt)

  • Male (132, 145, 161, 178, 198, 220 and +220)
  • Female (106, 115, 126, 139, 154, 172 and +172)

Senior Advanced (17 years and older, brown belt and over)

  • Male (132, 145, 161, 178, 198, 220 and +220)
  • Female (106, 115, 126, 139, 154, 172 and +172)

Masters Novice (30 years and older , brown belt )

  • Light , Middle, and Heavyweight based on number of entrants

Master Advanced (30 years and older, brown belt and above)

  • Light, Middle and Heavyweight based on number of entrants

Kata – when registering, please list what Kata you will be doing and who your
partner is.

Competition Rules and Format

Competition Rules and Format:
Open competition. Male and female contestants from all states are welcome.

  • All contestants must be currently registered and insured with one of the following national organizations: USA Judo
  • Proof of membership and insurance will be verified at check-in.
  • If the registration card is lost, Colorado Judo League can only verify USA Judo (USJI) membership of athletes in Colorado.
  •  You will be able to acquire a USA Judo membership HERE.

1. Pre-2004 rules regarding medical attention will be used
2. Match times: Seniors – Males – 4 minutes; Females – 4 minutes, Juniors and
Masters – 3 minutes
3. Juniors 12 and under: Chokes and Armlocks NOT allowed.  13-14: Armlocks NOT allowed.
4. Senior and Master Novice Categories: Armlocks NOT allowed.
5. The following elimination system will be used:

More than 5 competitors: Modified double elimination.
5 or fewer competitors: Round Robin elimination.

The use of blue judogi is optional. All competitors MUST have a white judogi. Competitors called to the “white” side MUST wear white and will not be allowed to compete in a blue judogi. Gis other than white and blue will not be allowed.

Competition Schedule

Kata competition begins at 8:30am

Juniors will begin immediately following kata, no earlier than 9:30am

Seniors and Masters will begin following junior competition, no earlier than 1:00pm.

Hosted By:


Competition Begins:

*The RMSG has a NO REFUND policy.  Click here for details on eligibility, inclement weather, refunds, etc.
